So Many Crafts, So Little Time
you are in the right spot. If not, head back to Lissa Marie's blog so you don't miss a thing! Please grab your cup of coffee or favorite beverage, relax as you browse through the awesome bright and cheerful projects we have made for you, and get ready to win some blog candy!I made a two page layout for those outdoor adventures we have in the summer, or hope to have. We'll have to travel a bit to get to any water, but Holiday World is close and my granddaughter loves the water park there.. hubby loves the coasters! That's the closest thing we have to a beach being landlocked in the Midwest. Anyway, I used an SVG file from Creative Kuts.com. Check it out!
I used various papers to make this, lots of scraps lying around.. but they work great when you need to cut small items to accent the main pieces. I love my girl! How stylish is she in her bathing suit, and matching bag and hat with those shades on? Now to put a hunky lifeguard in the chair... and the day is complete! LOL Check out the Crop Online specials that Creative Kuts has over at Facebook. You can buy the Crop On Line files for $5.00 and there's always at least 3 to pick from and right now, if you do all three, you get two bonus ones! What a deal... For my blog candy, I'm giving this file to a lucky winner. If you use a Silhouette Cameo, it will come with a Studio file, or you can import it as an SVG into the Designer Edition and it has the files for Make The Cut, and Sure Cuts a Lot as well as jpeg if you want to just print it out, or print and color it and cut by hand. Lots of options!! Be sure to leave a comment and how to contact you should you win! If you're not a follower, please consider doing so, my blog tries to brighten your day on occasion... and it's just plain fun to chat with friends! Thanks for stopping by today!
Thank you for taking the time out to check out my project, if you like my project and you are not already a follower, you are encouraged to add your email in the subscribe area to get updates right in our inbox or follow my via BlogLovin! Keep clicking for more Pockets Full of Sunshine!
Your next stop is with www.anitaandbugs.blogspot.com
- Lissa Marie www.somanycrafts.com
- Janet Royer www.janetscreativeworld.blogspot.com
- Anita Cannon www.anitaandbugs.blogspot.com
- Cicily www.pinkdalmationscrapper.blogspot.com
- Lucy www.love2createitall.com
- Ellen http://cardmonkeyspaperjungle.com/
- Sarah - http://itswhatkeepsmesane.blogspot.com/
- Teresa-http://freshandrenewed.blogspot.com/
- Beth ~ http://thecraftyscrapyard.blogspot.com/
- Shawnee - http://quiverofangels.blogspot.com/
- Holli - http://SunflowerHolli.blogspot.com/
- Jessi - www.mylifeinartsncrafts.com
- Daphne- http://
craftyscrapsofstuff.blogspot.co m/